President Biden's Jan 6 Speech Was Mostly Awful
When you're going to give a speech, you aught to have a clear objective of what you want your audience to learn or do, and then hit that...
The battle of the bots: Amazon Alexa wins the battle, but Google Assistant needs to win the war
In a recent analysis in Business Insider, Matt Weinberger asserts that Amazon's Alexa voice-based service spells doom to Google. With all...
Putting purpose to work
Something odd has happened in business. Over time, business thinking has been so honed and so perfected that it’s now down to its raw...
Innovation at work: are we paying it lip service?
Most people intuitively know that innovation is what creates new value. And most people also know that new value has a high probability...
In design, words matter
One of the more interesting and complex design challenges these days is unfolding as we speak: in the war of the smartphone. Google’s...
Executive power trips: a positional or organizational problem?
In a Wall Street Journal article entitled “The Power Trip,” it is asserted that the nice folks rise to the top, and being at the top...
Does Microsoft hate marketing?
In an Apple Insider account of a Forbes interview, Microsoft’s Chief Research & Strategy Officer Craig Mundie said the following about...
How Apple upset the apple cart
Apple’s first post-Jobs as CEO event in October 2011 may have been the most shocking presentation we’ve seen from Apple since Steve Jobs...
Can research mislead designers?
n a recent article, website usability guru Jakob Nielsen uses research and the traditional scientific method to explain — once and for...
Design thinking: A useful myth?
I recently came across a blog post by Don Norman (Design thinking: A Useful Myth) where he argues that “design thinking” has become more...