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Strategic Messaging

Making the complex simple isn't simple, but it's worth every penny of investment.


In any organization, there are those who know things and those who sell things. Too often, organizations give sales and marketing roles to the experts, a move that can significantly hinder success. With specialization in two challenging segments -- politics/policy & hi-tech/technology -- Capital D Strategies excels at converting complexity into clarity.

Political & Policy
Communications & Messaging

Politics and policy are fundamentally social engineering sciences, and too often, the "engineers" are out selling the product to the public.


Capital D Strategies, based on years of experience developing messages for political campaigns and mission-based organizations, uses effecitve psychological and sociological models to guide clients toward compelling messages that will help them gain the public support they desire.


We will not just help you set your strategy. We will execute blueprints and examples that you can use to taylor future communications consistenty and coherantly. 


Marketing & Messaging

Technology-oriented organizations know how to innovate and know how to solve problems that provide value to their clients. 


However, that's only half the battle.


Technology companies as large as Microsoft and as small as startups all struggle with communicating the value their technology brings to their customers, while companies like Apple and Amazon are able to easily translate their technology into messages and marketing experiences that everyday people understand and appreciate.


Capital D Strategies has over a decade of experience translating technology capabilities into value-based messages that your clients will appreciate and understand.



Based in the Philadelphia metro area; serving clients globally​




T: 484.434.6699


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